Hey guys, a couple weeks ago, I talked about words that are used in America that don’t exactly come from the United States. This week I want to add onto that with not just words, but phrases that are commonly used in the states that don’t really originate from there. I am pretty sure you will find this as surprising and shocking as I did. Ready, here we go!
Echo的小伙伴们早上好呀~ 不久前,我提到了一些在美国很常用,但不是真正源自美国的词汇。这周我想要再介绍一些美国的常用短语,他们也同样不源自美国。但我肯定你一定会跟我一样吃惊!一起开始学习吧!
1. Déjà vu
A French term that means feeling of having seen or experienced something before, but it has been actually seen or experienced for the first time.
Ex: Wow, feel like I have seen this situation before…weird, déjà vu.
2. Hors d’oeurve 开胃小吃
This is also a French term that has to do with snacks or appetizers before you eat a full meal.
Ex: Do you want any hors d’oeurve’s before we orderour main dish?
3. Status Quo 现状
This is a Latin expression. It means ‘the existing state of affairs’.Which means “the norm.”
The status quo should be maintained.
Ex: Hey man, so what’s the status quo around your family?
4. RSVP- 请快速回复
An expression that represents the French words “respondez s’il vous plait.”
Which in short means “Please Responds”
Ex: We should first R.S.V.P before we go to the restaurant.
5. Cum laude-以优等成绩毕业者
It's a Latin term that means you graduated with honors; a grade point average between 3.53-3.74. Which in short means “with honors”
来自拉丁语,意思是以优异成绩毕业。平均绩点在 3.53-3.74。
Ex: When I graduated from Yale University, my diploma had cum laude written on it.
6. Alma Mater 母校;校歌
It's a Latin term that means the school college or university that you have attended. It also means school song.
Ex: I love this song! It was my alma mater.
Alright guys,that’s all for today, talk to you next time!